
Maeda Kihei.

I believe that  1876 litho kobans are the work of one artist, .. the 25 position  plates are forerunners ... designed and printed in japan.

all roman letter sheets but 1 were discovered in japan .   a 5rin AACHEN.DE emerged a few years ago.

the ISJP CDrom V2 2002 and Ron Casey's recent monograph 17 on the tourist sheets , both reflect the koban plates in an associative manner ... the evolution of the plates and their distribution methods ... the earliest koban imitations appeared in sheet format ... names associated with koban imitations are : 

Spiro Bros (1875-80)  woodblock litho reprints
Kamigata - Maeda Kihei 1885- :  photolithography
Wada Katoro  - 1890-1910  copper plate etched.

early woodblock design ...  was replaced by lithography as demand grew.

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    2sen new koban fake

      IMPERIAL too close to oval